Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My how you've grown!

Well, it's a sleepless night for me for some reason so I decided to go back and look back at our blog. I started with the day Samantha was born and read up until her 6 month post and I was in total "Lifetime Movie Network" - tears flowing like Niagra Falls- break down! Samantha amazes me more and more each and every day with her strength. The way she fought through her battles in the hosptial in order to come home shows such courage. I hope she never has to fight like that again, but if she does, I know she has the strength to get through it... and MORE!

We took Samantha to the Dr. tonight for her 6 month check-up tonight and she was tipping the scales at 14 lbs!!!! She is learning to sit up on her own (with very little assistance) and she is standing up 'on her own' (aka putting weight on her legs)... all very good signs. The funny thing is that our daughter has decided to bypass the whole rolling thing and go straight to the sitting and standing tasks. I guess she decided since she was 'behind the curve' given her adjusted age, she needed to make up some ground and she could just forgoe the rolling aspect of life :)

The Dr. also gave us the go ahead to try Samantha on rice cereal... this should be fun! I say this because I know that once we start rice cereal we will soon be starting to introduce other fun foods... GOOD TIMES!!!!!!!!! All I have to say is that when this gets messy, Daddy is taking over bath time :) :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow... how cute and look how much she has grown. Isn't it amazing how quick 6 months goes by????